
Established in 1908, the Village of Gresham, which also operates under the name Electric Utilities, is located in Gresham, Wisconsin. This organization primarily operates in the Distribution, Electric Power business/industry within the Electric, and has their own Water and Sewer Utilities system as well. The Village of Gresham is estimated to generate $4.5 million in annual revenues and employs approximately 8 people at this single location. A unique community in that, the Village of Gresham generates nearly 22% of its own electrical power. Having its own sewer system is a benefit for the residents as well. All metering is done electronically using the AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) system for more accurate and resourceful reads of meters. Having this system also helps cut operating expensives within the Village. For issues or questions contact us: 715-787-3244 or email Brian Carroll at bcarroll@villageofgresham.us

Oct. 6th. That is public power week. Gresham utilities has been providing energy to our customers for over 90 years our goal is to deliver reliable, safe and affordable energy. Collectively Wisconsin’s 81 public power utilities provide service to nearly 300,000 customers and distributes 11% of the states electricity. The linemen for Gresham in the picture are from left to right are Brian Carroll, Steve Yaeger, Ryan James, Joe Ejnik and Eddie Gibbs. These linemen take great pride in serving our friends and neighbors.
You can pay your utility bill online, in person or by mail.
If you have a significant high water use, contact the Village for billing adjustment options.
Bills are all inclusive (electric, water, sewer, garbage). Payments can be made online at PSN.
Contact Us
PO Box 50
801 Main St.
Gresham, WI 54128
Phone: 715-787-3244