


Top 10 Safety Resources for Kids

Top Pick:
One-stop shop for safety resources on topics ranging from poison control to fire safety.
Top Disaster Safety Resource:
Learn how to reduce and manage your child’s fears before, during and after a disaster or emergency.
Top Safety Resources for Infant/Toddler Years:
Take these steps to help baby sleep safely and reduce the risk of sleep-related infant deaths, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
The questions and answers in this brochure are designed to help you, as a parent, make healthy and safe choices for your children.
Poisoning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death among children ages 1 to 19 years. Learn how to keep your children safe.
Take appropriate precautions to ensure the toys your child plays with do not put them at risk of injury.
Learn how to identify & mitigate the risks in your home.
Top Safety Resources for Teenage/Adolescence Years:
Take the time to educate your children about home safety so you both feel comfortable when they are on their own.
Learn about age-appropriate guidelines, including: supervise all internet-enabled devices and keep computers in a public area of the home.
Increase the chances for a safe trip by following a few simple precautions.

Driving the WIS 54/County U J-Turn – Crossing Video


The Upper and Lower Red Lakes, in Shawano County, were created through damming of the the Red  River in 1880 and 1965, respectively.

The Red Lakes Association was formed in 1990, by shoreland property owners to facilitate the management of both the Upper Red Lakes and Lower Red Lakes. In 1991 studies were completed on both lakes to provide baseline data for the development of lake management plans for the lake. In general, the studies indicated that both lakes tend to be mesotrophic to eutrophic as a result of their large watershed to lake area ratios. The studies also found that both lakes contain nuisance levels of of aquatic plant growth and much of that growth was water milfoil. The management plans recommended general improvements to the watershed to reduce nutrient and sediment loading, continued monitoring of the water quality and macrophytes, and multiple plant control methods, including mechanical harvesting.

In 2004, the Red Lakes Management District (RLMD) was created. Later that same year, its first operating budget was created with a portion of its funds being earmarked for a project aimed at updating the management plans for both lakes.

For more information contact:

Michelle Piwowarczyk

Manager of Upper Red Lakes Assn.

Red Lakes Management District
Red Lakes


The Red Lakes Management District is a member of the Waterways Association of Menominee and Shawano Counties.

The mission of WAMSCO:

  • Maintain/restore healthy ecosystems for all waterways within Menominee and Shawano Counties.
  • Make educational materials and resources that promote shoreline protection and restoration best management practices available to riparian property owners.
  • Develop and maintain cooperative relationships between riparian property owners, waterway users and watershed landowners and operators to work in a synergistic fashion implementing best management practices to achieve high water quality and healthy ecosystems.


The Gresham Area Advancement Association (GAAA) is an economic development group based in Gresham, Wisconsin. The volunteer group helps promote the area through beautification efforts, the Miles of Art Event, Bike the Barn Quilts an annual Plant Sale and the 4th of July Parade. Visit the Shawano Country Area Chamber of Commerce website for more information on these special events.
In addition to the 60 (approx.) quilt squares GAAA has designed, painted and hung, they have: purchased and maintained 20 planters, landscaped the volleyball court, produced and placed a full page ad in the Chamber Visitor Guide, refreshed the bowling alley mural, purchased 28 banners for the Village utility poles, established a Community Garden, given a facelift to deteriorated downtown buildings and most recently organized a Community Service Day.
If you have a business in Gresham, Wisconsin, it is beneficial to both you and the community that you become a part of the GAAA.
President – Kate Dillenburg
Vice President – Dan Boucher
Secretary – Sandy Gawryleski
Treasurer – Peg Hoffman
Directors – Sandy Buettner, Curt Knoke & Lorna Dreher
GAAA email:

Our Quilt Projects




American Legion Post #390


3rd Tuesday of the Month at 7 p.m


The Legion Hall

Check back later for contact info

Gresham Lions Club

PO Box 242 Gresham, WI 54128


2nd and 4th Monday of most Months at 7 pm


The Woodland Restaurant


Gresham FFA


Check back later for time of meetings


Check back later location of meetings


The F.R.E.S.H Project


The F.R.E.S.H. Project will be having their Winter Market on the first Saturdays of December, January, February and March from 8 am until noon at the First Presbyterian Church, Shawano.
This Saturday (Dec. 1), Tenderland Meats will be accepting orders for your holiday wreaths, Pies by Patti will be accepting orders for holiday cookies and more yummy baked goods!  Other vendors include, Ysalsa, Cedar Wedge Farm (with root vegetables, meats, and eggs), Johnson Family Cattle, various craft vendors and more!  Don't miss out.
$5 tokens will be provided to those on Food Share, WIC, and elderly with food vouchers.
For more information, contact Barb at


Church Icon

St Francis Solanus Catholic Church

(715) 787-3250,, St. Francis P.O. Box 177 Gresham, WI 54128


Wednesday-8:00am • Friday-8:00am

Sunday-8:30am • Reconciliation: Sundays 8:00-8:15am

Rosary: Sundays 8:00am

Church Icon

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

715-787-3830Dennis Rekow, Bisho1230 Schabow Gresham, WI 54128


Weekly Mass Times

8:00 am Wednesdays & Fridays

8:30 am Sundays

Church Icon

Morgan Assembly of God Church

715-787-3722Roger Cree, PastorN8091 Morgan Road Gresham, WI 54128


Weekly Mass Times

8:00 am Wednesdays & Fridays

8:30 am Sundays

Church Icon

Old Stockbridge Presbyterian Church

715-787-3777Joshua Martin, PastorN8004 Morgan Road Gresham, WI 54128


Weekly Mass Times

8:00 am Wednesdays & Fridays

8:30 am Sundays