Bring Your Business to Gresham, Wisconsin
Depicted on the wall murals Gresham, Wisconsin was big in the logging industry. From logging to manufacturing, at one time Gresham like many small communities thrived. Now nestled in nature, joined with the Red Lakes and beautiful landscape, tourism is the industry that has taken over Gresham. However, like any small community, any type of business is welcomed for a self-sufficient community. Professional services, retail stores, construction, restaurants, convenience, technology, are just a few of the services that are embraced by the community as well as visitors. Here is a list of current businesses in the area. (will link to the business page listing).
Business permits can be obtained through the State of Wisconsin.
You can join the economic development organization GAAA and the Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce.
The Village office hours are
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Emergencies outside of these hours contact (715) 787-3244
We love to promote out Gresham businesses. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and would like to be featured here on our business page, please email us at bcarroll@villageofgresham.us and we would be happy to promote your business.

John and Lorraine’s Hobby Honey Farm
W9790 Thurner Ln.
Gresham, WI 54128
We sell different varieties of raw local honey, honey stix, beeswax tapers, candles, combed honey and lotion bars. Everything is done by hand. Winter hrs are Mon – Sunday. 10am to 6pm. Bring your own jar to fill. Contact 920-234-8565. Call ahead to make sure we’re home and pls leave a message. We accept Shawano chamber bucks.
Contact Us
PO Box 50
801 Main St.
Gresham, WI 54128
Phone: 715-787-3244